Build your benchmark with BenchFlow

We provide benchmark developers with two interfaces to interact with intelligence: BenchClient and BaseBench.


BenchClient make your benchmark as a client, which enables seamless interaction with the intelligence through HTTP. It should be embedded into the evaluation entrance.


BaseBench is an interface for running, managing, and displaying benchmark results. All benchmark outputs are unified, enabling standardized visualization on BenchFlow.

Install benchflow sdk

uv add benchflow

Make your benchmark a client

We go through the entire benchmark onboarding process by integrating MMLU-Pro into BenchFlow as an example.

Import BenchClient

from benchflow import BenchClient

Extend BenchClient

You need to implement two methods. parse_input defines the structure of data provided by the benchmark, and it returns a dictionary. parse_responseis used to parse the raw response from the agent into a structured dictionary.

class MMLUProClient(BenchClient):
    def __init__(self, intelligence_url):

The intelligence_url is an address used for communicating with the agent. Your evaluation script should provide an argument to accept this URL. We will explain the detail in subsequent steps.

    def prepare_input(self, raw_step_inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        single_question = raw_step_inputs["entry"]
        cot_examples_dict = raw_step_inputs["input_text"]
        category = single_question["category"]
        cot_examples = cot_examples_dict[category]
        question = single_question["question"]
        options = single_question["options"]
        prompt = "The following are multiple choice questions (with answers) about {}. Think step by step and then output the answer in the format of \"The answer is (X)\" at the end.\n\n".format(category)
        for example in cot_examples:
            # format_example() is provide by MMLU-Pro
            prompt += format_example(example["question"], example["options"], example["cot_content"])
        input_text = format_example(question, options)
        return {"prompt": prompt, "input_text": input_text, "entry": single_question, "cot_examples_dict": cot_examples_dict}

The task_step_inputs provided by MMLU-Pro consists of four fields, which are as follows:

"prompt": prompt, "input_text": input_text, "entry": single_question, "cot_examples_dict": cot_examples_dict

Benchmark developers should clearly document in the README (model card) the keys and their meanings of the input data provided. This is essential for intelligence developers to benchmark.

    def parse_response(self, raw_response: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        # extract_answer() is provided by MMLU-Pro developer
        pred = extract_answer(raw_response) 
        return {"action": pred, "response": raw_response}

Get response by get_response

Use get_responseprovided by BaseClient to get response from intelligence. This method first calls parse_input, then sends the input to intelligence. After receiving a response, it calls parse_response and returns its result.

test_df, dev_df = load_mmlu_pro()
    if not subjects:
        subjects = list(test_df.keys())
    print("assigned subjects", subjects)
    bench_client = MMLUClient(intelligence_url)
    for subject in subjects:
        test_data = test_df[subject]
        for entry in tqdm(test_data):
            label = entry["answer"]
            category = subject
            env = {
              "entry": entry,
              "input_text": dev_df
            action = bench_client.get_response(env)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--intelligence_url", "-b", type=str, default=os.getenv("INTELLIGENCE_URL"))

Ensure your script can retrieve the intelligence_url field from the command line. This field will be provided by BenchFlow via the INTELLIGENCE_URL environment variable.

Containerize your benchmark

Package your benchmark as an image and provide an entry point to run the benchmark.

All parameters will be passed to the container as environment variables. When extending BaseBench, you can specify the names of the required and optional environment variables, allowing you to retrieve arguments directly from the environment in your script.

Run Your Benchmarks

Import BaseBench, BenchArgs and BenchmarkResults

from benchflow import BaseBench
from benchflow.schemas import BenchArgs, BenchmarkResult

Implement your BaseBench

BenchArgs automatically verify that intelligence has received all the required parameters using pydantic. You can also specify default values for optional arguments. Additionally, BenchFlow provides an environment variable called INTELLIGENCE_URL, which you can use in your evaluation script to access all the defined environment variables.

class YourBench(BaseBench):
  def get_args(task_id) -> BenchArgs:
      arguments = {
            "required": ["REQUIRED_ARG1", "REQUIRED_ARG1"],
            "optional": [
                {"OPTIONAL1": "default1"}
     return BenchArgs(arguments)

Use get_image_name to get the image your uploaded to Dockerhub.

def get_image_name(self) -> str:
    return "username/image_name:tag"

Return the path within the container where the benchmark results are stored.

def get_results_dir_in_container(self) -> str:
    return "/app/results"

Return the path within the container where the benchmark logs are stored.

def get_log_files_dir_in_container(self) -> str:
    return "/app/results"

Return the whole task_id for your benchmark.

def get_all_tasks(self, split: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    # It should return a str list including all task_id in benchmark.
    return {"task_ids":[], "error_message":}

Many benchmarks do not include a task_id field. In such cases, you can either pass a line number or treat the entire benchmark as a single task. The classification of task IDs is flexible and is primarily used for parallel processing.

The task_id field is also passed to the evaluation environment as an environment variable named TEST_START_ID.

Parse and return your benchmark result

def get_result(self, task_id: str) -> BenchmarkResult:
    return BenchmarkResults(your_results_dict)

# An example for BenchmarkResult
model_config = ConfigDict(
            "example": {
                "is_resolved": True,
                "log": {"trace": "trace message"},
                "metrics": {
                    "metric1": True,
                    "metric2": 123,
                    "metric3": 3.1415,
                    "metric4": "OK"
                "other": {
                    "extra_info": "extra info",
                    "error": "error message"

Upload your benchmark to Benchmark Hub

Here’s your checklist:

  1. - your implementation of BaseBench should be in this file and make sure your file is named correctly.

  2. – clearly document the keys and their meanings of the input data provided and all required and optional arguments for benchmarks.